Green Wave Energy Company, Energy Storage, and Clean Water
Green Wave Energy - Buoyancy Hydro
Buoyancy Hydro is currently seeking funding for a revolutionary new wave energy technology.
The technology involves a wave energy device that delivers Green Energy, Energy Storage, and Clean Water. Research and development started many years ago in Australia; over the past two years the team in Europe has completed the first two phases with amazing results. The University of Leuven have backed findings and is very interested in working further on the project.
Please have a look through our video below and contact us with any questions you have and to participate in this world changing technology.
Green Energy
Captures wave energy
Converts this to compressed air
Releases compressed air into buoyancy hydro system
System creates pressure difference under water
This drives turbine at base to generate electrical power
Energy Storage
Takes electricity from power grid
At lower demand time or when wind mills are producing power
Power drives air compressors
Compressed air is stored (tanks or underground chambers)
Air released in buoyancy hydro system
Converting compressed air back to electrical energy on demand
Clean Water
By extending system deeper under water
Air rising in confined chamber
Separates contaminates from water
Delivering clean water from most populated water supplies